author : Miwha Jeon
format : 216(w) x 298(h) mm
pages : 36
Listen to your children
Chul is angry. Mom and dad don’t listen to him. Chul is angry. Hong, his classmate and love, is not kind to him. Chul pulls her hairs, then the teacher demands him to bring his parents to the school tomorrow. Chul’s eyebrows are going up.
Mr. Sungbae, a teddy bear, is Chul’s only friend who listens to him. Chul tells all the things about his days to Mr. Sungbae, and he rewrites the stories while talking. For example, he is afraid of the dog, but he can pass by the dog without any difficulty in his fancy story.
The author captured how the kids solve their dissatisfactions. The kids repair their flaws and lacks in their imaginations. The raised eyebrows, the compressed lips and the puffed cheeks. You can imagine who Chul is. But you never know how he rebuilds up himself in his mind.