Posted at 17:32h
in 2022 Rights Guide
author : Gyeongsu Gang
format : 247(w) x 304(h) mm
pages : 60
rights sold : Traditional Chinese
World greets the fake rather than the truth
Blizzard is a name of the polar bear. He finds a new destiny for his survival. It is to pretend to be a panda. Scoop up the mud and paint the body with it, then the polar bear turns to be a panda easily.
The people welcome the panda Blizzard. He eats the food as much as he wants provided by the people until the mud is washed out. Blizzard is still Blizzard, but people kick him out of the town with the rifles after the spots are gone. Blizzard disappears through the heavy snow with questions.
The environmental issues reveal not only our greed but also the human’s cunning nature.