author : Hyunmin Park
format : 240(w) x 240(h) mm
pages : 46
awards : special mention BRAW 2021 in Opera Prima
rights sold :World English
Draw the scale on the paper
Two boys hardly open the door because of the snowdrifts during the last night. They start to shovel a way through the snow, but it’s not easy to do it with the shovel. They drive a bulldozer for getting out of the snow.
How can the paper make the readers to imagine the world beyond the paper? The author studies a space and scale, thus he has tried to experiment it with the picturebook. The author focused on an expandability which the white paper has. White paper is a blank as a general rule, but it has turned to be the snow, heavy snow, snowball and snowman in this book. You will fall into the snow, the imagination and the possibility of the paper.